Tag Archive | Dove Stone Reservoir

Abirdabode Art Bird Boxes


Myself and Arbarus (Richard Dawson) have been delivering the Abirdabode Project for the last eight months.  Funded by Oldham Arts Development, the project aims to bring art and nature together by building bird boxes using a variety of different creative techniques and skills.

We are currently working with a number of different groups in Oldham including the Dove Stone Youth Rangers, the Barrier Breakers, an Age UK older people’s group and the Grassroots Community Allotment Scheme in Failsworth.

We’re making lots of progress on the bird boxes which is good as deadlines are fast approaching – there’s an exhibition of them at Gallery Oldham in March and April.  The exhibition opens on Saturday 14th March and will have all the bird boxes made during the project on show.  Once the exhibition finishes, the bird boxes will be distributed to various communities, gardens, allotments and housing schemes around Oldham – get in touch if you’d like one for your community!

Most of these images are from Grassroots where we’ve been building a large-scale bird box for the exhibition!

One more thing… we’re doing a drop-in workshop at RSPB Dove Stone Reservoir on 22nd February.  This is to celebrate National Nest Box Week (14th – 21st February) and to kick off the RSPB’s Discovery Sundays for 2015.  We’ll be based at Ashway Gap (halfway round from the main car park) between 11am and 3pm – come and see us!

Withy Bees at Dove Stone Reservoir

Jacqui Symons Withy Bees

Last week, myself and Richard Dawson spent a very wet Monday installing a memorial bench (Richard’s work) and then some withy bees (my work) for the RSPB up at Dove Stone Reservoir in Saddleworth.


Kate from the RSPB came along to help.  Bonnie, one of her dogs, thought the best place by far to sit was on top of me, whilst I was keeping the base of the bench in place.  At this point, I’m slightly worried that all the other dogs are going to think the same thing!


RSPB Mosaics – progress

Here are 18 of the completed mosaics for the RSPB way markers at Dove Stone Reservoir.  The mosaics will be inserted into wooden fingerposts which are being made by Richard Dawson who has already created this wooden arch at the reservoir.  The flora and fauna shown in the mosaics are all found at Dove Stone with the Peregrine Falcon and the Mountain Hare being particularly important to the site.


