Tag Archive | block printing

The Bentley Library Chair Project in full swing

bc08I’m currently working with three brilliant groups in Bentley, Doncaster on the Library Chair Project for the Arts Council England funded Right Up Our Street.   The groups all have a vast wealth of knowledge and skills when it comes to art, craft and other creative stuff – we’ve got a sewing machinist trainer, artists, creative and play facilitators, fabric painters, dressmakers, knitters, crocheters and lots of crafters with years of experience!

We’re just getting started on actual creative sessions and have concentrated on fabric painting so far, painting onto wet fabric then adding detail with fabric pens and opaque fabric paint once dry.  The patches are looking good and I’m getting excited about putting them all together.

Lots of the groups are also starting to come up with individual ideas for what to include on the chair – local and family poetry, some handmade wooden buttons, tie-dye sections, crocheted flowers, patchwork quilting, kids’ self portraits, local school badges and emblems, cross-stitch work and lots more – brilliant! We’ve even had a hand-knitted square promised from a lovely lady called Dawn who’s blind.  I met her and her wonderful guide dog Zeke at Bentley Library last week.

Over the next few sessions we’re going to concentrate on some block printing and maybe some stencilling.  I’m also doing a drop-in session at Spiltmilk Dance’s VE Day Celebration on 9th May – I’m hoping to get lots of tales and stories from everyone that attends.

Hyde Orchard Creative Sessions – Day Three

Block printing and paper mosaics on the menu today…

We had a school gardening group in the morning and trainees from the Park Cafe in the afternoon.  The Cafe provided us with a lovely buffet and afternoon tea and cakes!