Tag Archive | bird

abirdabode Project takes off

abirdabode-01At the weekend myself and Richard Dawson started our new art bird box project ‘abirdabode’.  Over the next six months we will be running a series of workshops and creative activities for abirdabode; exploring urban and rural habitats, trying different art forms and making beautiful art bird boxes for our feathered friends in Oldham.  We will be working closely with Oldham Arts Development and the RSPB to develop the project.

The project launched with a drop-in session at Festival Oldham where we invited members of the public to decorate a bird for the outside of our large-scale bird box.  Despite the rain we had lots of visitors, all fascinated by the bird box and the mini-gallery inside showcasing the first art bird boxes and accompanied by local birdsong.

Find the abirdabode project here and keep an eye out for upcoming events.


RSPB Mosaics – progress so far

Here’s the first few mosaics for the RSPB signage.  I’m using the double-indirect method so they’re currently just on brown paper.  The hawker (dragonfly to you and me) has been reversed ready for a test cast into a small concrete slab.  Apologies for the awful photos – forgot my camera today so these are from my phone…

Mosaics Oak LeafMosaics Common Blue ButterflyMosaics DipperMosaics Hawker